Sunday, January 17, 2010

Digging to America

While I was home over the holidays, I was reading Digging to America by Ann Tyler. The book had been recommended to me, so I was eager to read about the story of two families that both adopt young Korean girls. The two families end up becoming close friends as the daughters grow up together.

I was generally disappointed in this book. It had the potential to be a really intriguing story about the difficulties of a multi-national family. It ended up being a rather boring account of their lives and the short love affair of the grandparents. While there were definitely parts of the story that were sweet or touching, overall, the novel lacked much depth.

Although, I really didn't feel fulfilled at the end of the novel, I did keep reading the book even though I was bored. Tyler was able to create a connection between the reader and the characters which kept your attention; however the novel took place over many years and it felt like the novel just jumped from period of time to the next. I'm having a hard time pinpointing what I didn't like about the novel and why I kept reading. What I'm tying to say, I think, is that while the story was interesting it lacked much substance.

Digging to America

by Ann Tyler

New Years Resolution

2010 has already brought much excitement to my life. I have a new apartment and a new job; so wrapped up in these adjustments, I forget until this morning about one of my new years resolutions. I've been working on being more assertive, which is my number one resolution, but number two was to commit more time to this blog.

I've already finished two books in 2010 but have yet to write anything about them! Well, I'm here to fix that.